Can you afford not to enhance your “Duty of Care” by protecting not only your students, but also your teachers and assets. Only Lifelike can help you to do both by employing a state of the art integrated solution.
Making use of the most advanced concepts of digital intelligence in the area
of surveillance and physical security, the Digifort System embarks upon a new
age in the active and passive surveillance of security cameras, integrating
solutions and offering the most modern technologies that are available today.
With large numbers of connected devices coming together, there is so much
data being generated and will continue to grow. Ultimately we need to make
sense of the data.
Bringing together technology and intelligence, Digifort will provide a solution
that is a value-add to our customers who are the ones using it every day.
IP Camera Monitoring & Recording
Advanced Digital Analytics
Enhanced Time Shift Video Synopsis
Integrated with 100s of Filters and Live Views
Fast review - Review hours of footage in minutes
Pattern Recognition
Advanced Filters
Video Contents Analytics
Speed Filter
Object Size, Colour
Abandoned & Removed Object
Dwell Filter
People Counting
Enter / Exit Filter
Enhanced Learning Management System Integration
Monitor Assets and Record Lessons / Lectures at the same time​
Facial Recognition Systems
Attendance Recording, Access Control​
Number Plate Capture / Recording
Record details of those who access using Vehicular means​
Virtual Fencing / Out of Bounds Monitoring
Effectively monitor areas that are Out Of Bounds​
Anti-Bullying​ Capabilities
Capture and Record​ Incidents and Audio in Real Time, from Fixed or Movable Camera Positions (Utilise SmartPhone Technology to Record directly to your system)